Given our busy lives, we haven’t got the time to read all the reviews,
and unfortunately don’t have the time to test play them all.
We just want to know what is the best game to buy.
I’m Geoff, former Director of Product Development at Gibsons Games
with over 20 years experience in Games & Puzzles.
I’ve harnessed all my knowledge & collated the best reviews
from the best board game review websites
to quickly find ‘The Best Board Games’ for YOU.

About Geoff
I spent over 20 years at GIbsons Games – the 104 year old games company based in London, becoming their
Director of Product Development & IT.
One of my very first jobs at Gibsons was to help develop the game 221b Baker Street, and it is still very successful today.
Many more games followed including Pass the Bomb,
Mind the Gap, Civilization, Diplomacy
& my favourite – Hare & Tortoise.
My website brings you the best reviews of the best board games
all in one place so you can find the Best Board Game for you.